Changes to Stage 4 Restrictions for Construction Sites

Industry News
August 6, 2020

The Victorian State Government has just provided some much needed clarification surrounding the Stage 4 Restrictions for Permitted Workers which may come as a slight relief for the many construction businesses that feared they would have to shut up shop over the next 6 weeks. From 11:59pm on Friday the 7th of August, the following restrictions will be enforced.

All Construction Sites:

  • Need to have a High Risk COVID Safe Plan in place, that is regularly updated. If you didn’t take the opportunity to on Wednesday, now is a great time to grab your free templates from the Trade Trak Template Store here for our COVID Safe Plan, COVID Safe SWMS and COVID Attendance Register. Please note that you will need to first create one job in order to create and use each one. Check the bottom of this post for requirements for High Risk COVID Safe Plans.Failure to comply with having a COVID Safe Plan in place could lead to on the spot fines of up to $9,913 or up to $20,000 for more serious offences.
  • Have no more than one worker per four square space in enclosed areas.
  • Collect records of all individuals that attend the worksite for 15 minutes or longer.

Small-Scale Residential Construction sites:

  • Supervisors and specialist trades can move between up to three sites per week when using enhanced COVID Safe practices.
  • Limit movement of workers between different sites as much as possible.
  • Have a maximum of five workers plus one supervisor on-site at any time.

Large-Scale Construction sites:

  • Supervisors and specialist trades can move between up to three sites per week when using enhanced PPE and hygiene measures.
  • Limit movement of workers between different sites as much as possible.
  • Have a maximum of 25% of their workforce onsite (staff specifically dedicated to oversight of COVID safe functions in the workplace are not included in this number).

Construction sites are considered Large scale if they are any of the below:

  • More than three storeys
  • Larger than 1,500m2
  • Any office or retail fit-out
  • Industrial, large format or retail us

All employees, supervisors and on-site specialists:

  • Are prohibited from car-pooling to and from work.
  • Are required to inform their employer if they share accommodation with anyone working at another high-risk workplace.
  • Are required to use enhanced PPE and hygiene measures if travelling between work sites.

Further details on the documents required for High Risk COVID Plans can be found on the Business Victoria website here, or by calling them on 13 22 15. If any important changes or clarifications are made throughout the day, we will keep our users updated again via email and our blog.

Click here to check out the Trak blog for more articles.

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